m u s e s

Click on each muse's name or picture to learn more about them.
note: all supernatural muses also have a human verse.

anxious, independent, reclusive, resilient

21 years old • werewolf • student • gay
fandomless/supernatural rp

creative, pensive, trusting, observing

early 20s • human • student • bi (alt verse closeted gay)
fandomless/crime rp

warm, maternal, cunning, artistic

late 30s/early 40s • human • tutor • bi

outgoing, dense, sweet, impulsive

early 20s • human • media manager • bi

charismatic, stubborn, restless, quick-tempered

mid 20s• human • parttime florist • bi

fierce, overbearing, caring, stubborn

CANON CHARACTER (separate blog)
around 40 yo • human • stay-at-home mom • closeted bi
stranger things

charismatic, warm, naive, avoidant

late 30s • human • housewife & part time ballet teacher • bi
stranger things

practical, distant, judgmental, insensitive

early 20s • human • diner owner • bi
stranger things

energetic, venturesome, selfish, confrontational

mid-twenties • human • waitress/escort • bi

debonair, flirty, undisciplined, amiable

late 20s • human • socialite/painter • bi

selfish, curious, rude, shameless

early 20s • human • socialite/student • bi
fandomless/rich kid rp

controlled, intelligent, ruthless, ambitious

early 40s • human • irish mob clan chief • bi
fandomless/crime rp

benevolent, modest, withdrawn, indecisive

late twenties • human • librarian • bi
fandomless/rich kid rp

gentle, reserved, unassuming, disorganized

around 30 yo• witch • shop owner • bi
fandomless/supernatural rp

methodical, stoic, loyal, confident

early 20s • vampire • criminal• bi
fandomless/supernatural rp

a b o u t

Thank you for taking the time to read this page before interacting!


My writing is selective: starters are nearly always open to anyone, but please respect my choice if I decide not to write with you. I don't write with cartoon/animated characters. If you unfollow me, I'd prefer if you hardblock rather than softblock me so I don't accidentally re-follow you again!.


If you send any hateful messages, they will be deleted.I also do not participate in call out posts. If you have a problem with something on my blog, unfollow or approach me privately..


Please be kind, refrain from godmodding, try to mind your spelling, cut posts if you can (no worries if you're mobile). I won't use icons consistently, just whenever I feel like it and have an appropriate icon in my folder.Additionally, I reply to threads in the order I have inspiration for. Sometimes, that means longer threads can stay in my drafts for a bit. Please only write with me if that's okay for you!


Hello, my name is Vixen and I’ve been involved in roleplay writing for over a decade! This site is a place for me to bring together characters from various groups, threads and platforms I've been a part of, so it will likely grow as I write more. I love being the mom friend of the group, so if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, reach out!.


aaron wade


Aaron has not had an easy life. With an absentee mother and a father with loose hands clutched mainly to liquor bottles, Aaron was left to fend for himself and early on took to thievery and petty crime to survive. He felt most at home with the other ‘basket cases’, always part of the wrong crowd, though as introverted as he was, he just quietly tagged along, keeping his head down and growing up in the shadows of society. When his father eventually literally drank himself to death, Aaron was barely sixteen, and it wasn’t long before he dropped out of high school and settled for a minimum wage job to pay bills and pay off the loan sharks that came knocking soon after the funeral.While he’d always been a loner, there was a certain crowd he stuck to for safety, but one night when he and two others tried to mug an unsuspecting tourist, the tourist fought back, leaving the boys to run from police, scattering out into different parts of the thriving city. Aaron ended up somewhere in a bad neighborhood - unfortunately on a full moon -, and after wandering aimlessly for a bit he ended up in some alley with not even enough time to look behind him before he was slashed on his back and he fell down. He must’ve laid there all night and passed out, because when he woke up from the pain it was morning and the city had already risen. It wasn’t until four agonizing weeks later that he came to understand the gravity of what had happened, how life-changing that attack had been, as he found himself in unbearable pain for his first shift, so dazed and confused he was sure he’d die.He spent a good two months in denial, only doing what was absolutely necessary to prevent himself from killing others – but about half a year after he was turned, the new wolf seemed to get a new chance at life when he met a vampire who just didn't seem to leave him alone; seeing something in him that Aaron couldn't even see yet. It didn't take long for him to finally feel like he could be himself, shed the past like it was a bad dream, and finally start to actually live a little.


  • NAME.  aaron tyler wade

  • ALSO KNOWN AS.  aaron

  • BIRTH DATE + AGE.  nov. 16th

  • GENDER.  cis male

  • PRONOUNS.  he/him


  • SPECIES.  werewolf

  • OCCUPATION.  college student

  • BIRTHPLACE.  shadow hills, ga

  • CURRENT LOCATION.  north haven

  • FACECLAIM.  timothée chalamet


  • TRAITS  positive, positive, positive, positive, positive, negative, negative, negative, negative, negative

  • LIKES  like, like, like, like / dislike, dislike, dislike, dislike

  • DISLIKES  dislike

  • MUSINGS click here

aidan tadhg


Aidan Tadhg: a New York native with heritage ties far beyond the city that never sleeps. Born as the third in line to doting parents Declan and Amanda, Aidan grew up in a loud but loving household where -unlike many of his peers- he was actually part of a family and not a barely functioning home unit kept together by an uncaring household staff. No, the Tadhg's have always been an adoring, unique Irish-American family. Unique, in many ways, but not least in the way that the Tadhg's are one of the most prominent mob families of the city. Not that Aidan knows: as the youngest, he's always been kept out of the family business.Even as a child, though, he was unlike his brothers. While they'd be out in the hall, Nolan riling up Finn the way only an older brother could, little Aidan would be finger painting with mamo or, when he was older, he'd be curled up with a book in the comfortable armchair of their lavish living room. When he was in first grade, there seemed to be a short time when his teacher noticed that he was a potential victim of his class's bully, but one .. ahem .. word from his brother to the bully was enough to put a stop to that, and Adain's had a great group of friends since then.Throughout grade and middle school, Aidan tried a whole range of sports, always flitting about from one thing to another, but nothing truly stuck to him. He was pretty good at track and baseball, but eventually learned he much preferred watching sports over playing them, which was good considering there were plenty of matches to attend for his brother.The youngest Tadhg son struggled in his final year at school, unsure of what the future would bring when he couldn't even seem to choose a college major. Eventually, with some gentle nudging from his parents, he felt free enough to really choose something he wanted to study over something that could be more useful - and from day one he's known it was the right decision, coming home from campus and excitedly wanting to share about the things he was studying in class.Now in his final year at school, he has once again become a little anxious about the future. After all, with so many possibilities open to him, it's a matter of having too much choice. Still, because of this, he's finally taking time to think what he would like to do with his life, whether he wants to follow into any of his parents' footsteps or not, and that has raised some questions that have been gnawing at him for a while now but that he always willfully kept buried deep in the back of his mind.


  • NAME.  aodhan mateo tadhg

  • ALSO KNOWN AS.  aidan

  • BIRTH DATE + AGE. dec. 13th

  • GENDER.  cis male

  • PRONOUNS.  he/him

  • ORIENTATION.  bi (alt v. closeted gay)

  • SPECIES.  human

  • OCCUPATION.  art history student

  • BIRTHPLACE.  new york city, ny

  • CURRENT LOCATION.  new york city, ny

  • FACECLAIM.  dylan arnold


  • TRAITS calm, guarded, pensive, creative, soft, trusting, observing, reserved

  • LIKES summer, reading, cooking family recipes, playing piano, going for a walk at dusk

  • DISLIKES air travel, big parties, being put on the spot, {tba}

  • MUSINGS click here

esme adams


tw: pregnancyNot much of note happened in Esme's childhood. She grew up in a small town in Illinois with a psychologist for a father and an English teacher for a mother, and their suburban bubble provided the little girl with everything she needed. She went to a local public school, attended dance and gymnastic lessons, was part of the girl scouts for a few years, and together with her younger brother Ethan and their parents she spent her summers in a cottage on a nearby lake. In high school, however, her innocent demeanor often made her feel left out, and to counteract this she began drinking and going out quite early in life, until she'd worked her way to the top of the popularity ladder – but had also gained a reputation at school.When she was seventeen, Esme snuck out with her friends one night to attend a nearby college party, and while there, she hooked up with a pre-law frat guy who enticed her by using all the right words. One drunken decision led to the next, and soon after, her worst fear was confimed when her period was late, and her charming college date ghosted her. Deciding to go through with the pregnancy was scary, though not as scary as facing public opinion, but at the very least she managed to graduate high school before giving birth to her daughter, Jane. Those first few years were incredibly hard, being a young single parent without a college education, but slowly she created a routine for herself that worked, and she even enrolled in night classes to eventually get her bachelor degree in classical studies.When she was 23, she fell head over heels for a succesful business who was in town for a convention, and the two began a whirlwind romance that ended with them getting married within a year. Her second pregnancy was planned, and she gave birth to a son - Carter - when she 24 years old and living in a high rise penthouse in chicago with her husband. A few years later followed another daughter, Emma, and life was good for a few years in their family of five, until the father of her eldest daughter found them on Facebook and began building a relationship with his child, demanding more and more time with her while actively working to disrupt the relationship between Esme and Jane. Last year, their relationship hit a breaking point, and a then-nineteen-year-old Jane moved out and went to live with her father. This is a source of great hurt for Esme, who wants nothing more than to reconcile, but at the same time, she wants to give her daughter space to figure things out for herself.


  • NAME.  esme joan adams

  • ALSO KNOWN AS. esme

  • BIRTH DATE + AGE. mar. 19th

  • GENDER.  cis female

  • PRONOUNS.  she/her


  • SPECIES.  human

  • OCCUPATION.  tutor

  • CHILDREN.  jane, carter, and emma

  • BIRTHPLACE.  greenville, il

  • CURRENT LOCATION. chicago, il

  • FACECLAIM.  keri russell


  • TRAITS warm, maternal, artistic, intelligent, cunning

  • LIKES architecture, gardening, teaching, photography, {tba}

  • DISLIKES {tba}

  • MUSINGS click here

julia ellis


tw: injury / accident + pregnancyJulia is a child of the water, growing up on a houseboat in small town Sausalito as an only child. She had a happy but uneventful childhood, got good enough grades and spent most of her time after school near the beach – or painting. She inherited the creative gene from her mom, who made a living painting the beautiful scenery of California, and was always encouraged to put brush to canvas, to the point where her bedroom generally looked more like an art studio than an actual child's bedroom. Which is why it hurt all the more when, at eighteen years old, Julia failed to get accepted into any of the art programs she'd applied to. It ended up deterring her from attending university for a year, but eventually she regained her self-confidence and decided that she didn't need formal training to continue doing what she loved to do. Instead, she started college at nineteen and put all her energy into her Anthropology studies, while using any free time she had to soak up as much of the local arts as she could.When she had just started her junior year, tragedy struck when her father was badly injured in a boating accident. Julia put her education on hold and returned home to help out her parents as he began the long road of recovery, but the more time she spent at home, the harder it became to return back to college to the point where she eventually dropped out. When her parents decided to relocate to Hawaii so her dad could attend a well-known rehabilitation center, Julia suddenly found herself living alone, and even though she took on two waitressing jobs to pay off her student debts, money was tight for a few years and her life was turning out very different to what she'd thought it'd be. For her twenty-fourth birthday though, some friends took her to LA for a trip, saying she deserved a weekend off, but what was supposed to be a carefree few days turned out very different when she found herself sitting on her bathroom floor a few weeks later, positive pregnancy test in hand.She didn't know what to do, with no way to contact the father of her unborn child, but with her friends coming together to tell her they were right here to help her, she decided that she would keep the baby and be a single mom. Of course, the last thing she'd expected was to see the face of her hookup on TV in a sports program. And so, at four months pregnant, she eventually found a way to contact the father of their child – though once she did, her life changed more than it ever had before. She moved all the way across the country to be close to her son's father ( a pro athlete ) so they can make co-parenting work, but even after trying her best to fit in, she still yearns for what she once knew.


  • NAME.  julia ellis

  • ALSO KNOWN AS. jules

  • BIRTH DATE + AGE. jun. 05th

  • GENDER.  cis female

  • PRONOUNS.  she/her


  • SPECIES.  human

  • OCCUPATION.  florist

  • CHILDREN.  rook

  • BIRTHPLACE.  sausalito, ca

  • CURRENT LOCATION.  nyc, new york

  • FACECLAIM.  bruna marquezine


  • TRAITS charismatic, independent, stubborn, creative, impulsive, restless, quick-tempered

  • LIKES the beach, surfing, painting, flowers, pottery, self-care, ...{tba}

  • DISLIKES {tba}

  • MUSINGS click here

jacob archer


Archer mostly cruised through childhood. His mom is a family doctor, his dad is an estate planning lawyer, so they were always more than able to provide for their two children. His sister is three years older than him and has always been the perfect oldest child, so while she and free-spirit Jacob never really got along, they knew to pretend in front of their parents to avoid getting into trouble.At fourteen, after a harmless school prank had gone wrong, Archer was sent to boarding school up in New York. All that did, though, was improve his ability to not get caught when he did stupid stuff, flying under the radar while still making the most of the party that is life. Aside from the covert raves, this was also where he really got into track, enjoying the wind on his face as he ran, which is what helped him maintain a mediocre-but-passable GPA. Finally, in college, Archer really grew into the party enthusiast he was, joining a frat (where he met his best friend, Alec), and generally just having a great time while not academically inclined whatsoever.He did try to apply to a few law schools, had a few tutoring classes to help him, but that was always more for his dad, so when he was rejected from all schools he applied to he was disappointed, but not surprised. Instead of law school, his dad took him on in the firm, assigning him the role of marketing director after only a few months in the hope that it would give his son a sense of responsibility and direction. He hasn’t outgrown his college years yet, though, and unsure what to do with the rest of his life it’s much easier to host weekly house parties and pretend time isn’t flying by then it is to sit down and realize how aimless he is in life.


  • NAME.  jacob archer

  • ALSO KNOWN AS. archer, archie

  • BIRTH DATE + AGE. sept. 09th

  • GENDER.  cis male

  • PRONOUNS.  he/him


  • SPECIES.  human

  • OCCUPATION.  media manager

  • BIRTHPLACE.  shadow hills, ga

  • CURRENT LOCATION.  shadow hills, ga

  • FACECLAIM.  shawn mendes


  • TRAITS outgoing, dense, sweet, open-minded, impulsive, lazy, impressionable

  • LIKES parties, drinking games, running, dating, {tba}

  • DISLIKES {tba}

  • MUSINGS click here

karen wheeler


Karen Davis was born at 3 AM, after her mother had suffered three miscarriages three consecutive times. The Davises doted on their little girl, her father a hardworking banker and her mother a stay-at-home mom running PTA and the Hawkins Volunteer Society. Two calm, loyal and local folks living the quintessential middle class life. Karen, however, turned their world upside down from a young age. She was wild and not one to be pinned down, and her parents had their hands full with her while she grew up. Once a teenager, Karen truly started rebelling, and even though her parents tried everything to reign her in, she simply had no intention of following in their boring footsteps.At school, she was feared. At home, she was in trouble constantly, but she didn’t care. Things quickly escalated when one night (when Karen was sixteen), she and some friends decided to break into an empty property that turned out to be better guarded than expected. The police called it breaking and entering. Destroying private property. Indecent behavior. Public intoxication. Karen and her friends just called it having some fun. Regardless, they all ended up at the police station ( yet again ), and this time, Hawkins police was not so willing to let it slide. Her parents were furious, but managed to strike a deal with the Hawkins P.D. because of their outstanding image as upstanding citizens of the community. Six months and a stay at the convent of her aunt later, Karen returned home a changed girl. Gone were the black, ‘inappropriate’ outfits, the leather jackets and the skipping school. In its place was a humble girl with a meek smile and modest dreams.It was only a few months later that she ran into Ted Wheeler, who was exactly the type of guy her parents would love. And he was nice. He took her out on innocent dates and made friends with her parents, and after a year of courting he proposed and she said yes - as was expected of her.
Even though she’d never wanted to be a house mom, she dealt with the cards she was given and grew into her role graciously. Her family, her children, became the center of her world, and even though she aspired to do something more with her life - become a lawyer, travel the world, never settle, the only thing that remained from those dreams was the small tattoo on the right lower side of her back.


  • NAME.  karen wheeler (née davis)

  • ALSO KNOWN AS. karen

  • BIRTH DATE + AGE. aug. 27th

  • GENDER.  cis female

  • PRONOUNS.  she/her

  • ORIENTATION. closeted  bi

  • SPECIES.  human

  • OCCUPATION.  stay-at-home mother

  • BIRTHPLACE.  hawkins, in

  • CURRENT LOCATION.  hawkins, in

  • FACECLAIM. cara buono


  • TRAITS fierce, overbearing, caring, stubborn

  • LIKES {tba}

  • DISLIKES {tba}

  • MUSINGS click here

mia montgomery


two main verses: one where Mia ends up working as an escort (see below) and one where she doesn't and instead is only a struggling waittress)Mia grew up in a tiny town with loving parents who did nothing but work and still barely made enough to make it through each month. Not that it mattered much; their house was at the edge of the woods, so little Mia had plenty of space to get lost in make-believe worlds, pretending the trees are big skyscrapers and a log over the stream is Manhattan bridge. In tenth grade, Mia met a boy who had moved to their tiny town from the big city, and he filled her head with stories of the city that never sleeps. She soaked up every word, doodling what her future apartment would look like and romanticizing her life on quiet Friday nights when there's nothing else to do because the whole town feels closed at six pm.Watching her parents count every penny twice, Mia couldn't help but believe there's more out there, and so in high school she started planning her escape, counting down the days until graduation so she could start to really live her life – all while her friends thought she' was crazy because life isn't bad here. But Mia wanted more. And so, the first day of summer after her senior year, Mia left town with two bags of luggage, more determined and excited than ever to get her life started, and even though those first few months in New York were incredibly hard, she smiled her way through because she was finally where she wanted to be, and she started this life all by herself.After a while at her waitressing job, a mysterious dark-haired woman left her a business card and told her that they would love you, and Mia was more than offended when she realized just what kind of services the woman offered. But bills pile high, and it was only a few weeks later when it seemed impossible for her to make it to her next paycheck. On top of that, nobody told her that moving to a big city all by yourself could be so damn lonely, and so eventually, after pacing back and forth on it, she dug up the business card she'd been given and called the number with shaking hands and an unsteady voice.Those first few days at her 'new job', she was so nervous she constantly felt like she'd be sick, but the side job payed even better than expected, and within a few months she had saved enough money to enroll in a class in community college, working towards her dream of one day earning enough to never have to worry about money. She even gained confidence in what she did, and became a sought-after high profile escort in no time, and even though that came with confidence and a comfortable lifestyle, it also made her grow even more distant from her family than she'd already been. How would she even describe her way of life without lying? Better to keep them in the dark, even if that meant phone calls and the occasional trip home became basically non-existent.


  • NAME.  maria montgomery

  • ALSO KNOWN AS. mia

  • BIRTH DATE + AGE. jan. 28th

  • GENDER.  cis female

  • PRONOUNS.  she/her


  • SPECIES.  human

  • OCCUPATION.  waitress / escort

  • BIRTHPLACE.  fort kent, me

  • CURRENT LOCATION.  new york city, ny

  • FACECLAIM. gabriella wilde


  • TRAITS energetic, venturesome, selfish, confrontational

  • LIKES {tba}

  • DISLIKES {tba}

  • MUSINGS click here

mitch astor


Mitch Astor was born into legacy. Even before he or his siblings learned how to walk, it was assumed they would one day follow in the footsteps of their father, a respected and influential New York corporate lawyer. As the second-in-line, however, Mitch was never meant to fit the mold of the Astor-Huntington legacy. And that became a problem, even early on, because the family always needs to promote a strong, united front, one where individuality takes a backseat. A son who's more interested in beauty and vivid colors rather than networking and control simply doesn't fit that picture. His older brother Junior, though, has always been the spitting image of his father, even as a child, and so the succession of the line is safe. Mitch's younger sister Georgie is just like his brother, but at least he has an ally in Georgie's twin, Tilly, who's also a creative soul but understands more of the family dynamics than Mitch does, even though she's two years younger than him.It doesn't take long for Mitch to learn that in his family, you either conform or fall overboard. And so, he tries. He tries to be the good son, keeps his mouth shut and goes where his parents tell him to go. But his brother is older, bigger, better, smarter, and outshining him in everything he tries. So what's the point? Instead, as a teenager, he starts his quiet rebellion, developing his own personality and allowing himself simple moments out of the gilded cage by painting, writing, sculpting, ... whatever creative outlet he can find. In university, he fully reinvents himself. He sheds his ridiculous name and opts for Mitch Astor instead, finds a crowd where he belongs, and even after one semester he's barely recognizable from the boy who left home in the summer.After graduation, however, Mitch is aimless. Without any clear goals for his life, it doesn't take that long to return home, unhappy but lacking the courage to change much about his life. Instead, he tries one more time to be someone that his family can be proud of: to attend all the gala's and the charity auctions and the ridiculously long golfing events, constantly trying to say the right thing and smile at the right time to stay in New York society's good graces. But that's simply not who he is, and while Tilly seems to conform too and attends Harvard Law, then moves to France to marry her prominent French politician of a fiancée, Mitch is drifting further away from the legacy than he ever has, spending the days sleeping to rest up for the nights when he goes out to party and seems to go out of his way to cause PR damage, until his father eventually has enough and cuts him off completely. He's left with a loft that's paid off but with no money to pay bills, and even though he'd like to one day see his artwork hang in galleries across the city, he's been taking any job he can lately, mostly doing some painter's work in home remodeling while trying to figure out what to do in life.


  • NAME.  mitchell astor-huntington iii

  • ALSO KNOWN AS. mitch

  • BIRTH DATE + AGE. jun. 5th

  • GENDER.  cis male

  • PRONOUNS.  he/him


  • SPECIES.  human

  • OCCUPATION.  socialite / painter

  • BIRTHPLACE.  new york city, ny

  • CURRENT LOCATION.  new york city, ny

  • FACECLAIM. tommy martinez


  • TRAITS debonair, flirty, undisciplined, amiable, curious, creative, restless

  • LIKES {tba}

  • DISLIKES {tba}

  • MUSINGS click here

midas vaughn


tw: drug abuse/addictionMidas was an accident. With three sons thriving in childhood already, Phillip and Maureen were content with their family, and had built the kind of life that befit both of their ancestry. Still, once the shock of the positive pregnancy test wore off, they welcomed their baby boy with open arms. As the fourth in line, it was clear that he never needed to worry or feel pressured to take over the family business: his father had an heir and two spares, a third was just ridiculous. Not that Midas would ever want to follow in his footsteps: far less stress-resistant and too impulsive to lead an empire, he happily let that fate fall onto the shoulders of his older brothers.He grew up the way most of his peers did, raised by nannies and spending countless hours at philanthropic events. He was a creative, albeit sensitive child, whose mind ran at a hundred miles an hour, and he spent countless hours annoying the staff at home with the stories he made up. This was fine through most of grade school, but as he became a teenager he started to feel more and more disconnected from his family, never felt like any of his peers were interested in real connections, and this lack of closeness coupled with his impulsiveness led to a too-eager attitude towards anything that numbed the incessant buzzing in his mind and the cold in his heart.For a few years, though, he led an outwardly, sociable life, but as he grew more dependent on the drugs he was taking, it started to take a toll on everything. Eventually, a few months before graduation, things got so out of control that his parents didn't see any other option but to whisk him away from what they deemed a 'dangerous environment'. And so, for the past few years, Midas has been in France, in and out of an expensive, discrete rehab facility called Maison de la Tranquillité and trying to beat his addictive nature. During times he was recovering, he lived with his great-aunt, tati Cécile, in Marseille, but every time he'd only last a few months before he'd relapse.To the people back in New York, Midas was in France for 'life experience' and was having the time of his life in an extended gap year. Naturally, there have been whispers, but his family was always tight-lipped enough to make sure the actual reason never left the household. Currently, he has been sober for eight months, and moved back to the states at the end of March, when the doctors and his family declared him 'stable' enough, and he could go home to prove to his parents that he was doing well.


  • NAME.  midas phillip vaughn

  • ALSO KNOWN AS. m, mi

  • BIRTH DATE + AGE. jul. 22nd

  • GENDER.  cis male

  • PRONOUNS.  he/him


  • SPECIES.  human

  • OCCUPATION.  socialite / student

  • BIRTHPLACE.  new york city, ny (109 w 68th street)

  • CURRENT LOCATION.  new york city, ny

  • FACECLAIM. timothée chalamet


  • TRAITS selfish, curious, rude, shameless, idle, aimless, creative, annoying

  • LIKES listening to music through his air pods, wake & bake, buying new clothes, one night stands, physical touch, babysitting his nieces, staying in bed all day, fidgeting with his rings, the rush of breaking rules, annoying people by being overly stoic

  • DISLIKES trying on clothes, long dinners, public transport, being known only through association with his family, comedy movies, tennis, 'modern minimalist' interior design

  • MUSINGS click here

theo gaudin


verse one - main
Theo was born into old money privilege. Descended from a long line of well-known lawyers, the importance of heritage and status was imparted on the firstborn from a young age, but even as a child Theo never really fit in with the peers that his parents deemed the only 'appropriate friends'. Far too soft, far too easily distracted and kind for the world his parents wanted him to grow up in, he quickly began to drift from his family’s clutches, even while growing up under their wings.
As a teenager, he knew he’d want to put distance between his heritage and himself so that he could grow. And so, after graduation, the gentle giant moved a few states away to attend college and get his degree in library science, all the while delving more into his love of literature and developing a deep passion for art.The main reason he returned to his hometown was because of his father's unexpected passing, but despite the initial grieving and anxiousness, it was also nice to rekindle the connection with his sister, and be back on home turf where everything felt so familiar and seemed easy. Surprisingly, he managed to build a good life for himself. A small, quaint life, sure, but it was far enough away from his family's mansion to protect his peace, while still offering the perks of small town living.He started out as a bookstore clerk at a local store called Muse, and eventually he managed to buy the shop when his boss retired a little over a year ago. The bookstore is his pride and joy, spending more time there then at his apartment, and while he's happy with the life and routine he currently has, his mother has worded a few quips in the past to imply that he's gotten stuck, and that expanding his comfort zone would be good for him.

verse two - supernatural
Theo was born into magical privilege and a typical Southern old money family. Descended from a long line of powerful witches, the importance of heritage and status was imparted on the first born from a young age, but even as a child Theo never really fit in with the peers that his mother deemed appropriate. Far too soft, far too easily distracted and kind for the world his parents wanted him to grow up in, the son of a politician and a socialite quickly began to drift from the family’s clutches, even as he grew up under their wings.
As a teenager, he knew he’d want to put distance between his heritage and himself so that he could grow. And so, after graduation, the gentle giant moved a few states away to attend college and get his degree in library science, all while continuing to study magic away from his familial coven, instead preferring the solitude and informality of using magic while he developed a deep passion for magical history.The main reason he returned to his hometown was that despite everything, it was his home, but he could never have imagined how well things would work out for him. He built himself a small, simple and quaint life in a neighborhood far from his family's, away from the tension and expectations of it all, starting out as a bookstore clerk at Muse and eventually buying the shop last year when his boss retired. The store is his pride, he spends more time there than at home, and while he’s gotten comfortable in his routines, one could argue that he’s grown stuck into them, so comfortable with everything that he doesn’t even realize how small his comfort zone really is, and how good it could be to reach beyond.


  • NAME.  theodore gaudin

  • ALSO KNOWN AS. theo

  • BIRTH DATE + AGE. feb. 12th

  • GENDER.  cis male

  • PRONOUNS.  he/him


  • SPECIES.  witch

  • OCCUPATION.  bookshop owner of 'muse'

  • BIRTHPLACE.  shadow hills, ga

  • CURRENT LOCATION.  shadow hills, ga

  • FACECLAIM. andrew hozier-byrne


  • TRAITS gentle, reserved, unassuming, disorganized, clingy, patient

  • LIKES reading, stacking and organizing books, analyzing spells and charms, experimenting with new potions, starting out the window and thinking about life's great questions

  • DISLIKES being around too many people at once, meaningless small talk, most organized sports

  • MUSINGS click here

matty hammond


tw: suicide & drug dealingMatty didn’t have an easy start in life. Born in Maine to a single mother, Lori, the woman struggled to hold down a job that allowed her to take care of her baby. They lived paycheck to paycheck for a few years until she saw no other option than to return to her hometown, where her brother had a diner. When she worked at Benny’s as a waitress, things were better for them, but Lori was perpetually exhausted trying to raise a child all by herself, and to escape the harsh reality she would flutter from man to man, always getting swept up in empty promises that would leave her heartbroken when she inevitably ended up alone again.When Matty was ten years old, his mother decided to follow after her then-boyfriend, leaving her child with her brother and leaving both Benny and Matty in the dark about her whereabouts or plans to ever return. Naturally, this abandonment was traumatic for the young boy. Benny was good to him, albeit slightly out of his depth, but despite his best intentions, Matty spiraled out of control – first out of grief and pain, but later, in middle and high school, he became nearly unhinged as he found ways to deal with that pain.Benny tried his best to keep his nephew in check, but the boy was tough, skipping school, getting into street fights, and - on a few occasions - getting arrested. Nothing seemed to stick to him, the punishments and attempts to get through to him just rolling off him, until eventually, even his uncle’d had enough, and gave him an ultimatum when he was a senior: clean up his act, work in the diner and make sure he graduated, or move out.Matty knew he couldn’t be self-sufficient yet despite various side hustles, and so reluctantly, he began bussing tables at the diner, doing just enough in school to get by, and keep himself to himself just enough to stay under the radar of the Hawkins PD. It worked: he managed to graduate (barely), he was reliable at work, and with age, he seemed to find some stability.That was, of course, until one fateful night, when his entire life was shook once again. It was incomprehensible, his uncle’s suicide, but with all responsibilities of the diner now on a barely legal Matty, there wasn’t much time to grieve or dwell on what happened. Instead, Matty took over management of the diner, though he was completely in over his head. This has led him to get back in touch with old friends that had been a bad influence, to a point where he now has a fairly long list of town regulars he supplies drugs too, sticking mostly to coke and MDMA, to supplement his income and make sure the diner can stay afloat.==In his alternate verse, Benny doesn’t die and Matty still works alongside him at the diner. ==


  • NAME.  matthew jackson hammond

  • ALSO KNOWN AS.  matty, mj

  • BIRTH DATE + AGE.  aug. 19th

  • GENDER.  cis male

  • PRONOUNS.  he/him


  • SPECIES.  human

  • OCCUPATION.  diner owner

  • BIRTHPLACE. camden, me

  • CURRENT LOCATION.  hawkins, in (746 walton road)

  • FACECLAIM.  jacob elordi


  • TRAITS defiant, practical, stoic, distant, judgmental, insensitive

  • LIKES smoking, being awake at night, driving around aimlessly, getting high

  • DISLIKES loud crowds, overly excited people, making small talk, {tba}

  • MUSINGS click here

tommy graham


Born to a working class family barely scraping by, Tommy - the youngest of the two sons - quickly realized in life that nothing was free, and no one would come to save them from the difficulties they faced. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there, after all. As a child, he was worried about being mocked for the worn-down clothes he wore or dirty nails he had, and so he made sure that his peers knew he was not to be messed with. It required a certain level of ruthlessness and hard-heartedness, but if that’s what it took to make sure he was the leader of the pack, to make sure no one would ever think him weak, he gladly became all that and more. especially after his father abandoned his family when Tommy was eight, for a new and better family, the last embers of kindness quickly died out as he turned his heart to stone. Better feared than loved.With that motto in mind, he became notorious in his neighborhood during his teen years. The petty crimes he was involved in turned to more serious offenses as he grew older, with the only reason for trying to finish high school being that he could serve as a welcome vessel for selling drugs to his classmates. Clever as he was, he understood what his clients needed, what made them easy targets to sell to, and so he always seemed to be ready for a party, finding secluded and abandoned buildings to turn into a rave for the night, when in reality the business he ran was meticulously planned and nothing was left to chance. He was confident that he’d never be caught – because he was that careful, that controlling.It didn’t take that long for this big fish in a small pond to get noticed by the big boys, and so when he was eighteen he started working for the most notorious vampire criminal around. By that time, his older brother had fled the nest, and Tommy became obsessed with his job, knowing that if nothing else, he would at least have that. His brother had managed to get himself out of poverty because of a photography patent that had taken off and brought him stability and money – which meant that for the second time in his life, an important male influence had left him behind. It had a profound impact on the young gangster, who at that point nearly flung himself to his boss in dedication, not seeing any other or better reason for life anyway.He proved himself to be a valuable employee, a worthy right hand, never insubordinate and clearly good at tying up loose ends. Maybe it was his general disregard for anyone staying alive, maybe his overall pessimistic outlook, but he didn't show an ounce of empathy as he did what had to be done, managing protection rackets, making sure people paid on time for the services provided and making sure they knew with certainty not to try to mess with him or the business, so that nothing would go wrong.Until one night, things did go wrong, for him at least, and he only barely managed to drive himself to his boss' estate before he passed out, the gunshot to his stomach bleeding all over the clean, white floor in the foyer. He'd never wanted to be a vampire, he had never intended to spend more time on earth than necessary. But with his boss saving him, the world was suddenly a much more interesting place, Tommy much more powerful, and the possibilities seemingly endless. Never showing to anyone that transitioning into a vampire was difficult, he kept up a good façade the first few years until he felt confident as the new species he had become, eventually learning to use his abilities to make his work and life better and easier.Being a vampire (stronger, faster, more dangerous) meant that he didn't have as much to worry about as when he was human, and so even though his main goal in life was still to do well in his work, there was more time to enjoy his vices as well. It started a blur of years passing by while he worked, partied, fucked, fed, and fought, halted only when the supernatural community was outed to the rest of the world and he was forced to reassess the life he'd been living. No longer living in secret came with its own perks, but Tommy has been part of the seedy part of life for as long as he could remember, and he's been a criminal ever since he was a teenager. Could he even be legit and above board?


  • NAME.  thomas graham

  • ALSO KNOWN AS.  tommy

  • BIRTH DATE + AGE.  apr. 4th | 57 total

  • GENDER.  cis male

  • PRONOUNS.  he/him


  • SPECIES.  vampire

  • OCCUPATION.  criminal

  • BIRTHPLACE.  new orleans, ga

  • CURRENT LOCATION.  north haven

  • FACECLAIM.  reece king


  • TRAITS methodical, confident, controlling, assertive, distant, selfish, loyal, stoic

  • LIKES  {tba}

  • DISLIKES  {tba}

  • MUSINGS click here

oscar doyle


tw: violenceOscar Doyle was born into the tight embrace of a close-knit Irish-American working-class community, where the streets echoed with the whispers of the Irish mafia. Growing up, Oscar understood early on that if he were to carve out a life for himself, he would have to rely on his own wits and cunning. Raised in an environment where loyalty and reputation held more weight than any birthright, he soon found himself entangled in the web of the criminal underworld.At the tender age of twelve, Oscar embarked on his journey into the gritty world of crime, taking his first steps as a petty thief at the behest of higher-ups in the Irish mafia. These initial forays laid the foundation for his ascent through the ranks, as he quickly grasped the importance of knowing just which strings to pull and whose favor to curate.As he climbed the criminal ladder, Oscar earned the moniker "Knuckles" for his hands-on approach to maintaining order. Unfazed by the need for grand weaponry, he relied on his bare fists, adorned with an array of imposing silver rings that left a lasting impression on anyone who dared cross his path. Loyalty and tenacity marked his years as a rank-and-file soldier, where his ruthless efficiency caught the eye of the mafia's skipper, Declan Tadhg.Under Tadhg's guidance, Oscar transitioned from being a mere enforcer to a reaper, executing the will of the mafia with a precision that spoke volumes of his capabilities. His ascent continued as he was eventually promoted to the coveted position of clan chief, or underboss, a role he has held with an iron grip for the past eight years.With each step up the criminal hierarchy, Oscar shed the vestiges of his humble beginnings, molding himself into a man of influence and power. His rise came at the cost of leaving behind the simplicity of his childhood, replaced by a luxurious and comfortable lifestyle built on the foundation of fear and respect.Known for his lack of mercy and impatience, Oscar earned a reputation as a dangerous and astute individual. He operated with a shoot-first, think-later mentality, amassing enemies along the way. Despite the growing list of adversaries, Oscar's calculated and observant nature has kept him one step ahead, ensuring that he remains untouched by the vengeful hands of those who seek retribution.Ruthless and driven by an insatiable ambition, Oscar "Knuckles" Doyle stands as a formidable figure within the Irish-American mafia, a man whose journey through the shadows has left an indelible mark on the criminal landscape he calls home.


  • NAME.  oscar michael doyle

  • ALSO KNOWN AS.  oscar, knuckles

  • BIRTH DATE + AGE.  dec. 19th

  • GENDER.  cis male

  • PRONOUNS.  he/him


  • SPECIES. human

  • OCCUPATION.  clan chief (underboss) of the irish nyc maffia

  • BIRTHPLACE.  new york city, ny

  • CURRENT LOCATION.  new york city, ny

  • FACECLAIM.  cillian murphy


  • TRAITS controlled, intelligent, ruthless, workaholic, ambitious

  • LIKES  attending the opera, sharp suits, a quiet night in with a glass of whiskey, smoking quality cigars

  • DISLIKES anything tourist-y and ‘working class’, hot weather, begging, ill-fitting clothes, insomnia

  • MUSINGS click here

samir malek


Brooklyn born and raised, Samir is the son of an American high school history teacher and an Egyptian art curator. The two met while Samir's mother, Lori, was travelling, and after a long distance relationship of three years, Youssef eventually migrated to the states. A year later, the pair welcomed their son into the world, and they lived a modest, comfortable, and happy life for the first few years of the boy's childhood.
Unfortunately, as the story so often goes, life wore down love, and when Samir was seven his parents split. It was fairly amicably, and a mutually agreed arrangement was set up where custody was split 50/50. In school, Samir was a quiet boy who had no issue with often finding himself alone on the playground lost in his own head, and at home, he spent most - if not all - of his free time devouring book after book about history, art, and any bigger-than-life story he could get his hands on. Despite the fact that the divorce had been painful for Samir – like every child, he'd also assumed his parents would be together forever – the three had fallen into a comfortable pattern once again, and for a few more years things settled down and they all found a routine that worked for them.
Things got turned upside down just a little after his fourteenth birthday, though. During a prestigious art exhibition that was curated by his dad, the older Malek crossed paths with one of the upper class patrons of the city, and a whirlwind romance ensued. Within months, two households were merged into one, and within a year, Samir's father had remarried – this time into a wealthy, influential family legacy that traced back generations. It was nothing short of a shock for Samir, but despite finding it difficult to adjust to this new reality, he could see that his father and step mother were head over heels in love with each other, and so he tried his best to make himself fit into this very new, very different life.
His newfound wealth came with some perks, and when he graduated his prep school he was accepted into Columbia, where he majored and eventually mastered in library and information science. After college, he spent some time working at a local Manhattan library, but soon his father was able to pull some strings and get him a job at the Met as a junior archivist. He loved his job, getting to combine his passion for reading and art, but he struggled with the superficial, high-paced social world that he’d been thrust in as a teenager, never truly belonging but always partly involved in the craziness that came with having too much money to waste.
A few months ago, when Samir involuntarily was front and center of a relationship scandal, he’d had enough of the big city, and decided he wanted a new start. He even thought about moving to Egypt, but eventually his mind fell the town where his dad owns a vacation home and where he’s summered a few times. It’s the perfect blend of being new and away from New York without being so unfamiliar that it would’ve been scary, and so with a little financial help from his parents he’s moved into a cozy apartment and started rebuilding his life, drama-free.


  • NAME. samir muhammed malek

  • ALSO KNOWN AS.  sami, mir

  • BIRTH DATE + AGE.  feb. 11th

  • GENDER.  cis male

  • PRONOUNS.  he/him


  • SPECIES. human

  • OCCUPATION.  librarian

  • BIRTHPLACE.  new york city, ny

  • CURRENT LOCATION.  verse dependent

  • FACECLAIM.  tamino amir


  • TRAITS soft, modest, gentle, benevolent, calm, considerate, withdrawn, unassuming, clingy, hesitant, loner

  • LIKES  hanging out in museums, wasting time in coffee shops watching people walk by, having lazy days in his apartment where he disconnects from the world, creating stories (through any and all mediums)

  • DISLIKES having to wear stuffy suits, being reminded of the fact that he uses his family's money/influence when it's convenient for him, loud and abrasive people, carelessness, {tba}

  • MUSINGS click here

samir malek


Brooklyn born and raised, Samir is the son of an American high school history teacher and an Egyptian art curator. The two met while Samir's mother, Lori, was travelling, and after a long distance relationship of three years, Youssef eventually migrated to the states. A year later, the pair welcomed their son into the world, and they lived a modest, comfortable, and happy life for the first few years of the boy's childhood.
Unfortunately, as the story so often goes, life wore down love, and when Samir was seven his parents split. It was fairly amicably, and a mutually agreed arrangement was set up where custody was split 50/50. In school, Samir was a quiet boy who had no issue with often finding himself alone on the playground lost in his own head, and at home, he spent most - if not all - of his free time devouring book after book about history, art, and any bigger-than-life story he could get his hands on. Despite the fact that the divorce had been painful for Samir – like every child, he'd also assumed his parents would be together forever – the three had fallen into a comfortable pattern once again, and for a few more years things settled down and they all found a routine that worked for them.
Things got turned upside down just a little after his fourteenth birthday, though. During a prestigious art exhibition that was curated by his dad, the older Malek crossed paths with one of the upper class patrons of the city, and a whirlwind romance ensued. Within months, two households were merged into one, and within a year, Samir's father had remarried – this time into a wealthy, influential family legacy that traced back generations. It was nothing short of a shock for Samir, but despite finding it difficult to adjust to this new reality, he could see that his father and step mother were head over heels in love with each other, and so he tried his best to make himself fit into this very new, very different life.
His newfound wealth came with some perks, and when he graduated his prep school he was accepted into Columbia, where he majored and eventually mastered in library and information science. After college, he spent some time working at a local Manhattan library, but soon his father was able to pull some strings and get him a job at the Met as a junior archivist. He loved his job, getting to combine his passion for reading and art, but he struggled with the superficial, high-paced social world that he’d been thrust in as a teenager, never truly belonging but always partly involved in the craziness that came with having too much money to waste.
A few months ago, when Samir involuntarily was front and center of a relationship scandal, he’d had enough of the big city, and decided he wanted a new start. He even thought about moving to Egypt, but eventually his mind fell the town where his dad owns a vacation home and where he’s summered a few times. It’s the perfect blend of being new and away from New York without being so unfamiliar that it would’ve been scary, and so with a little financial help from his parents he’s moved into a cozy apartment and started rebuilding his life, drama-free.


  • NAME. samir muhammed malek

  • ALSO KNOWN AS.  sami, mir

  • BIRTH DATE + AGE.  feb. 11th

  • GENDER.  cis male

  • PRONOUNS.  he/him


  • SPECIES. human

  • OCCUPATION.  librarian

  • BIRTHPLACE.  new york city, ny

  • CURRENT LOCATION.  verse dependent

  • FACECLAIM.  tamino amir


  • TRAITS soft, modest, gentle, benevolent, calm, considerate, withdrawn, unassuming, clingy, hesitant, loner

  • LIKES  hanging out in museums, wasting time in coffee shops watching people walk by, having lazy days in his apartment where he disconnects from the world, creating stories (through any and all mediums)

  • DISLIKES having to wear stuffy suits, being reminded of the fact that he uses his family's money/influence when it's convenient for him, loud and abrasive people, carelessness, {tba}

  • MUSINGS click here